Monday, March 25, 2013

Roller Skating

Roller Blading! 

This assignment taking pictures of rollerblading was quite fun to do. Sixth graders rollerblading: priceless. The looks on some of their faces when 15 high school students came in to take their pictures was also really funny. I love taking sports pictures, so I really liked taking these photos. The only unfortunate (it was fortunate, too) part of this day was that I had our SLR camera, so instead of taking one picture at a time, I ended up taking 6 or 7 pictures with one push of the button. So, I ended up taking 382 pictures of kids going in circles on roller blades. Most of these shots were pretty boring, but some of the photos that I got were very cute, funny, and overall the right time to take a picture. 
I have included just a small handful of the many pictures that I took. 

I may be a little biased taking pictures of my brother the most. :)


  1. Good job on these-The Sepia one could have some brighter brights maybe?

  2. These have good expressions haha! I love how in the first one the boy in front is practically pointing to the person falling.
